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“O Captain! My Captain!” | Jimmy Fallon's sombre farewell to Robin Williams

August 14, 2014 2 Minutes

It's a strange thing when the death of a celebrity befalls, and we feel deeply saddened. Strange because most of the time we did not know the person, but we feel as if we had, through having invited them into our living rooms through our television sets. This is particularly the case with Robin Williams. Never before have we seen such a global outpouring of common grief over a man who touched the lives of so many, with his outrageous energy, unrivalled humour and gentle heart. I feel we will never again.


With this tragedy still very raw, many, particularly those in the US, anticipated the reactions of the many Late Night talk show hosts, even as some kind of tortuous closure that individuals who did not know Robin personally, would be seeking. The Late Shows are the playground and workspace of many comedians and actors, so it seems fitting that they in particular pay tribute to the loss not only of Robin Williams, but the loss of all his future brilliance that we we now never get to experience.

Jimmy Fallon was particularly sombre in his opening last night, on the brink of tears as he discussed the passing of Robin Williams and explained how he had been inspired and  captivated by the “genius comedian.”

Farewell Robin Williams. Only a man with such a huge heart and immeasurable talent could cause the effect upon the world in which you did, while living - and in death you leave an entire world in unified mourning. We are all better for having you in our lives, even if it only be watching your magic on the screen.

“A whole human life is just a heartbeat here in heaven.”

Jimmy Fallon's Tearful Tribute To Robin Williams Will Give You ChillsAfter a brief but spot on impression, Fallon then showed a clip from Robin's first appearance on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show, from October, 1981. 

Fallon signed off the segment by standing on his desk replicating the famous scene from Dead Poets Society, "O Captain! My Captain," he said. "You will be missed."


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