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Order of the Hero Medal

Heroes live amongst us, whilst many have died amongst us. However, in today’s society, we are too far gone in obsessing over the actions of the criminal and the abhorrent, rather than the brave men and women who stand to fight injustice and tyranny. We wish to change that.
We live in a society where more and more men are afraid to stand up for what’s right, and risk their own to protect another, that’s why when an act of bravery occurs, we wish to acknowledge it to the full extent and award the heroes of our society with the Gallantoro Order of the Hero. With this, we aim to not only identify and commend the great heroes among us but to encourage others to do the same.
In a time when men are more uncertain than ever of their own social standing and duty, now more than ever we need to identify the great among us. The Order of the Hero will be given to men and women who risk their own lives in the immediate protection and rescue of another.
The Gallantoro Order of the Hero is awarded to civilians and/or emergency services or military personnel, who voluntarily risks his or her own life or safety in an attempt to save another human being from death or imminent danger.
The award is open to anyone on Earth, however, the event must have taken place on Australian soil. The act is required to be brought to the attention of the Gallantoro Council within five years of the event taking place.
With regard to military and emergency service personnel, special consideration will be made in regards to these applicants, as there is a duty of responsibility attached to these people as opposed to the general population. In these instances, behaviour that extends beyond the call of duty will be required. 
The burden of proof required will be high, and there must be conclusive evidence of all facets of the event; being the threat, the risk and the event circumstances themselves. 
To nominate a hero, you may email us at